26th October

On the whole things remained quiet but there were some signs of change today, in particular once the sun came out mid-morning when some new arrivals became evident. Passerine numbers were much improved on the last few days with a small flurry of Thrushes including 26 Blackbirds, 57 Fieldfares and 240 Redwings perhaps the forerunners of a late rush of birds in the more favourable winds forecast for this week? There were also a couple of Woodcocks, 4 Wheatears, 5 Blackcaps, a Chiffchaff, 5 Goldcrests, the Spotted Flycatcher, 9 Bramblings and 3 Chaffinches. The long-staying male Northern Harrier, juvenile Hen Harrier and Whimbrel were all seen again and 6 Sooty Shearwaters were the best the sea could offer in a half hour watch.
Woodcock (photo Mark Warren)
