4th December

An unbirdable wet and windy day on 3rd was followed by the first snowfall of the winter overnight and during the morning of the 4th. A pleasant wintry day revealed large numbers of Geese to have left the island with just 314 Greylags counted during a Goose census. 12 Tundra Bean Geese were found though which was an increase on recent days, and 10 European White-fronted Geese were still present. 2 Little Auks, 6 Red-throated Divers and 93 Kittiwakes were seen during a brief half-hour sea-watch. 3 Mute Swans were now present while a check of all the Lochs found increases in a few species of ducks with 21 Shovelers, 11 Goldeneyes and 32 Tufted Ducks notable plus the 2 Scaups and 2 Pochards still. A few thrushes continue to hang-on with 32 Redwing, 8 Fieldfare and 21 Blackbirds in the north along with 5 Robins.

Snow on North Ronaldsay 
